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Thursday 21 January 2016

Quick Ways to Cure Colds Pain Quickly

Colds and flu is a disease that can interfere with activities, especially in the current transition season coupled with the number of air pollution in the environment. Anybody who attacked this disease certainly want to quickly recover that can work as usual. But unfortunately, many do not know how to cure a cold or the flu quickly.
Cold or common cold in medical language called rhinitis is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Colds are highly influenced by the seasons change, pollution by smoke, dust and animal hair, fatigue, and cold drinks. Colds appear with symptoms similar to flu, colds but actually different from the flu, where there is involvement of flu virus that is different from the common cold, and flu symptoms are generally more severe than the common cold, so cold is cold symptoms in more severe forms. cure colds and flu that flu recover quickly.
Colds and flu symptoms begin to appear immediately after you decrease the immune system, the virus that attacks into powerful late pass the disease process. Symptoms - symptoms that can arise include runny nose, nasal congestion, excessive mucus, sore throat, cough, body ache, increased body temperature.
How to Quickly Cure Colds and Flu
There are several ways to cure colds you can do, but if you want to cure colds as soon as possible, you have to do is to act quickly, because after the first 12 hours, the flu will spread and can persist in the body for days - days. Here are some ways to cure the flu, namely:
1. Drink a decongestant drug.
Is a respiratory reliever medication. This drug can help constrict blood vessels in the nose and nasal cavity to keep it open, examples of these drugs are sold freely namely Phenylephrine and pseudoephedrine.
2. Drink expectorant drugs.
A mucus-thinning drug. This drug can help cleanse the sinus cavity by means of thin mucus and sputum are stuck in the respiratory tract. Examples of these drugs are sold freely is guaifenesin and Mucinex.
3. Take a cough suppressant medication.
Is a drug that can reduce the symptoms of cough. These drugs are used only when the cough is dry cough appears. Examples of these drugs are sold freely namely dextromethorphan.
4. The additional vitamin C intake.
Vitamin C has long been known to prevent colds, vitamin C but it can also shorten colds attack. Vitamin C can additionally be obtained by drinking orange juice, eating strawberries, kiwi and eating green leafy vegetables. Besides the extra vitamin C can also be obtained by taking supplements of vitamin C which is sold freely in pharmacies and drug stores.
5. Take time off to rest.
Take off for a few days, a holiday break from work to relax at home with a relaxed and casual to give a chance for the body to recover from sickness.
6. Rest enough.
Try to rest with memperbnayak naps and nighttime sleep at least eight hours at night so that you have good endurance so tubh yan you have enough energy to be able to win against viruses da diseases. During sleep try to sleep with a pillow supporting the head for a higher head position can help dry the nasal cavity.
7. Keeping your body warm.
During your rest at home, keep your body warm with body wrap, because the condition of the body that is warm enough to help during recovery
8. Cleaning the nose properly.
At aaat nose is full of mucus, nasal exude can assist in clearing the nasal cavity and discard excess mucus, but bersitan improper, too hard or too often can cause mucus trapped in the sinus cavities that can be risky for causing inflammation of the sinus cavities. How to exude true nose is dwngan close one nostril with your finger, then bersitkan nostrils to clean them gently. Repeat the same for nostril next to it. After finished do not forget to wash your hands with soap to limit the spread of disease.
9. Using a saline irrigation solution.
Cleaning the nasal cavity can also be committed with saline irrigation solution receipts, which can be made is by using half a teaspoon of salt mixed in a glass of water. Then a solution of salt put into a container, then tilt the head and pour the solution into one nostril, then the solution will come out through the nostrils only. Repeat the same for nostril next to it.
10. Drink plenty of fluids.
Sweating under the covers and exude the nose can cause a reduction in body fluids and dehydration which can aggravate the symptoms of colds, by Karen's body fluids need to be supplemented by drinking more, and eating fruits and syuran that contain a lot of water
11. Perform maintenance of steam.
The heat coming from the steam can loosen the mucus, while moisture from water can help relieve dry nasal cavity. The steam treatment can be done is by using boiling water being poured into a bowl or container, and then position the face on it so that exposed steam
12. The use of a hot bath.
Shower with hot water is very beneficial for relief, and provide a warm and relaxing effect, can be petrified recovery.
13. Drink hot liquids.
Hot drinks will help cleanse the nasal cavity and relieve the symptoms of a sore throat. Hot drinks are good for curing colds include hot tea, a mixture of lemon, honey and warm water, and warm chicken soup.
14. Meet with the doctor.
When colds and flu you do not heal as quickly or symptoms that appear to gain weight immediately see the doctor to get additional prescription drugs - drugs to relieve the symptoms of colds and flu that you experienced.
Colds and flu is a contagious disease, without us knowing we would be easily contaminated by colds and flu, although we have to prevent and avoid it. It is therefore very important for us to know how to cure the flu or a cold quickly so that our activities continue to run smoothly as it should
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